CHC53315 Diploma of Mental Health - International St George & Sutherland Community College

CHC53315 Diploma of Mental Health - International

CRICOS Code: 0100185

Duration: 104 Weeks (Tuition: 80 weeks Holidays: 24 weeks)

Interested in providing self-directed recovery support for people affected by mental illness and psychiatric disability?

What will you learn?

  • Skills to work autonomously under a broad guidance of other practitioners and professionals
  • Developing skills to implement community based programs and activities focusing on mental health and illness

Rewarding and fulfilling career options include:

  • Assistant Community Services worker
  • Community Rehabilitation and Support Worker
  • Mental Health outreach
  • Outreach officer

With further study, become a:

  • Team leader
  • Supervisor
  • Manager

Delivery and assessment mode

  • 20 hours per week at Jannali campus (70% face to face, 30% online learning)
  • Assessments are competency based which means that you have to demonstrate that you are able to meet the performance criteria for each unit.
  • Assessment methods will vary including: Questions & Answers, projects, role plays, presentations, portfolios, observation.
  • Assessments will be completed in and outside of class time.
  • You should allow approximately 5-10 hours per week for self-study and out of class assessments.

Facilities, equipment and learning resources:

  • Digital learning and assessment materials on aNewSpring (Learning Management System)
  • Simulated health care facilities and equipment
  • Ergonomic classroom
  • Student health and well-being support

Units of competency you will be studying:

Units completed as part of CHC43315 Certificate IV in Mental Health:

  1.  CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people (Core)
  2. CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety (Core)
  3. CHCMHS002 Establish self-directed recovery relationships (Core)
  4. CHCMHS003 Provide recovery oriented mental health services (Core)
  5. CHCMHS004 Work collaboratively with the care network and other services (Core)
  6. CHCMHS005 Provide services to people with co-existing mental health and alcohol and other drugs issues (Core)
  7. CHCMHS011 Assess and promote social,emotional and physical wellbeing (Core)

Units of competency you will be studying in this course:

  1. CHCMHS010 Implement recovery oriented approaches to complexity (Core)
  2. CHCMHS012 Provide support to develop wellness plans and advanced directives (Core)
  3. CHCMHS013 Implement trauma informed care (Core)
  4. HLTWHS004 Manage work health and safety (Core)
  5. CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice (Core)
  6. CHCADV005 Provide systems advocacy services (Core)
  7. CHCMHS009 Provide early intervention, health prevention and promotion programs (Core)
  8. CHCPOL003 Research and apply evidence to practice (Core)
  9. CHCDEV001 Confirm client developmental status (Elective)
  10. CHCCSM005 Develop, facilitate and review all aspects of case management (Elective)
  11. CHCCSL002 Apply specialist interpersonal and counselling interview skills (Elective)
  12. CHCEDU001 Provide community focused health promotion and prevention strategies (Elective)
  13. CHCAOD006 Provide interventions for people with alcohol and other drugs issues (Elective)

Work Placement

This course requires work placement which will be organised by SGSCC. Work placement (unpaid) is a compulsory component of the course where you will be assessed in the workplace.
160 hours

Entry Requirements

  • Hold a current CHC43315 Certificate IV in Mental Health
  • Must be 18 years or older
  • Advanced level of English (IELTS Score of 6.0 or equivalent)

All students must undertake the following:

  • Working with Children Check
  • Criminal Record Check

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Assessments are made against units of competency from the Diploma of Mental Health CHC53315.
  • Provide recovery oriented mental health services (CHCMHS003)
  • Implement trauma informed care (CHCMHS013)
  • Provide community focused health promotion and prevention strategies (CHCEDU001)
  • Establish self-directed recovery relationships (CHCMHS002)
  • Provide interventions for people with alcohol and other drugs issues (CHCAOD006)
  • Provide support to develop wellness plans and advanced directives (CHCMHS012)
  • Work with diverse people (CHCDIV001)
  • Research and apply evidence to practice (CHCPOL003)
  • Provide systems advocacy services (CHCADV005)
  • Assess and promote social, emotional and physical wellbeing (CHCMHS011)
  • Manage work health and safety (HLTWHS004)
  • Apply specialist interpersonal and counselling interview skills (CHCCSL002)
  • Reflect on and improve own professional practice (CHCPRP003)
  • Provide early intervention, health prevention and promotion programs (CHCMHS009)
  • Provide services to people with co-existing mental health and alcohol and other drugs issues (CHCMHS005)
  • Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety (CHCDIV002)
  • Implement recovery oriented approaches to complexity (CHCMHS010)
  • Confirm client developmental status (CHCDEV001)
  • Develop, facilitate and review all aspects of case management (CHCCSM005)
  • Work collaboratively with the care network and other services (CHCMHS004)