History St George & Sutherland Community College



St George & Sutherland Community College is an Adult Community Education Provider committed to the promotion of the lifelong learning for the people in our community. Adult Community Education began in the St George area in the 1930’s with a centre in Hurstville. This was followed by a centre at Port Hacking High School in the Sutherland Shire in 1958. In 1979 all of the small centres within the region were amalgamated to form the existing St George & Sutherland Community College.

Significant dates:

2020 – 2024

The rollout of the onsite CIVIC café, a yarning circle, and the updating of the gardens marked a significant success in fostering community engagement and wellness. The café became a bustling hub of activity, offering a warm, inviting space where community members could gather over delicious food and drinks.

The yarning circle, rooted in Indigenous traditions, provides a powerful venue for storytelling, sharing, and cultural exchange, strengthening communal bonds and cultural understanding.

The gardens blossomed into a verdant oasis, where students of all ages come together to cultivate a variety of plants and learn about sustainable practices. Together, these initiatives not only enhanced the physical and social landscape of the community college but also promoted a deep, shared commitment to environmental stewardship and cultural appreciation.


SGSCC celebrated its 40th Year, holding its official launch event at Cronulla in February. The Hon Scott Morrison MP Prime Minister of Australia provided a heartfelt and supportive message to St George & Sutherland Community College (SGSCC) on the day. VIEW HERE

2019 also saw the release of the book From Dream to Reality as part of the 40th Year celebrations. Written by then CEO Patricia Carroll charting the 40 Year History of the college this 72-page book follows the highs and lows of a community college that grew from one classroom and now delivers courses and services to over 6,000 students each year.

View an online copy of the book

From Dream to Reality - 40 Years of Enriching Lives at SGSCC 6841 kB pdf

2014 - 2015

St George & Sutherland Community College – SGSCC disAbility was successful in gaining Third Party Verification through an external body HDAA. Our services are delivered in compliance with the requirements of the NSW Disability Standards. This has prepared us for the journey we now take as we move towards the introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).


SGSCC disAbility was successful in their application to deliver Life Choices and Active Ageing Programs. We built on the strengths of participants to reach their goals and dreams and continue to do so.


SGSCC disAbility was successful in being registered to deliver the new services to young people with a disability. We were registered to deliver Community Participation and Transition to Work. Both Programs funded by the State Government provided a greater choice and flexibility for people with a disability to participate in different activities and in the wider community. The number of people we supported grew and the successful outcomes for individuals were many.


Post School Options was changed to ATLAS – Adult Training Learning and Support. SGSCC continued to provide clients with the opportunity to grow and learn.


This year saw the amalgamation of Sutherland Evening College and St George Evening College to become what we are today St George & Sutherland Community College.

Our CEO Patricia Carroll was a member of the parent lobby who marched on parliament in the early 90’s to make both State and Federal Governments aware of the needs of young people with a disability. The NSW Government then in 1994 funded the Post School Options Program for young school leavers. SGSCC started with seven clients. The aim of the program was to assist young people in their transition to adult community life. Over the next few years SGSCC grew to 31 clients by 1996 and continued to grow and have successful outcomes. Many early participants moved onto employment in both supported and open employment.


Student Transition Education Program (STEP) funded by the Board of Adult Community Education provided students with a disability in their final year of school with the opportunity to experience adult community education. Many students used this as an opportunity to transition from school into the Post School Options Program at the College. STEP still operates today and has grown in number of students and the experiences it provides. Students have the opportunity to learn new skills in cooking, computers, the arts and social skills.


Our CEO Patricia Carroll saw a gap in services for people with an intellectual disability. She has a daughter with Down Syndrome and she wanted her to have the same opportunities for lifelong learning that her parents had. In September 1979 Kringen commenced. Kringen is a Koori word meaning growth, which describes the success and demand for this program over the past 36 years. Kringen commenced as evening courses for people with an intellectual disability and now operates as day courses. Kringen has provided the people who attend with the opportunity to enjoy expanding their interests, social interaction and being part of the wider community setting.