Disability Website Accessibility Statement St George & Sutherland Community College

Disability Website Accessibility Statement

Website Accessibility Statement

Accessibility and useability have been key elements in the formation of the SGSCC website. We are committed to providing a website and online information that are accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of location, technology or ability.

To demonstrate our commitment, we sought expert, independent accessibility testing by the Digital Accessibility Services [external site] team at Media Access Australia, who attest that the website complies with Level A and Level AA of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 [External site], an international benchmark developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Rigorous compliance testing was conducted in two rounds and in accordance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Evaluation Methodology (WCAG-EM) [external site].

About this website

The SGSCC website has been optimised to be inclusive as possible. If there is information on the website that does not cater to your needs, please contact us.

Using this website

Mobile devices

Our website has also been designed and optimised for mobile devices. The website has been tested on iOS and Android of mobile devices and displays will differ depending upon the type of device and its orientation (landscape or portrait mode). All functionality of the website is maintained for mobile devices.

PDF documents

The website contains a number of PDF documents. SGSCC is aware that some may are not optimised for use by people with vision impairments or screen reader users. Please contact us if you have any difficulties accessing downloadable documents.


Audio-visual materials

The SGSCC website contains audio-visual materials. Our video content is accessible and we have transcripts, embedded captions and where needed, audio description. To access captions, click on the ‘CC’ icon in video player window.

Text resize

You can use your browser's zoom function to increase the text size. To use your browser's zoom function please follow these instructions:

Microsoft Windows users:

  • Internet Explorer 10 and 11: Either select the 'View' menu and select the 'Zoom' option or for keyboard users hold 'Ctrl' and press the '+' (plus) or '-' (minus) keys.
  • Internet Explorer 9: Either select the 'View' option from the menu bar and select the 'Zoom' or for keyboard users hold 'Ctrl' and press the '+' (plus) or '-' (minus) keys.
  • Firefox: Display the standard menus by going to the menu bar, select 'View' menu and select the 'Zoom' option or for keyboard users hold 'Ctrl' and press the '+' (plus) or '-' (minus) keys.

Mac / OSX users:

  • Safari: Either select the 'View' menu and select 'Zoom In' or 'Zoom Out' or for keyboard users hold 'Command' and press the '+' (plus) or '-' (minus) keys.

Changing the colour scheme and contrast

Different browsers will allow you to customise the colour scheme and contrast levels to suit individual needs. Helpful information on the different browsers and methods for customising the font colours and background colours can be found on the British Broadcasting Commission’s (BBC) website My Web My Way [External site].

Navigation using a screen reader

We have endeavoured to maximise the ability for users with vision impairments to use a screen reader with this website. Visitors using recent versions of screen readers can navigate using the following keystrokes:


  • 'H' to cycle forwards through the headings
  • 'Shift' + 'H' to cycle backwards through the headings
  • '1' to navigate to the next level 1 heading (or a number between 1 and 6 to navigate to the next heading on this level)
  • 'Shift' + '1' to navigate to the previous level 1 heading (or a number between 1 and 6 to navigate to the previous heading on this level)
  • 'Insert' + 'F6' to provide a list of all headings


  • Press the 'Tab' key to proceed through the links or 'Shift' + 'Tab' to cycle backwards through the links.
  • 'Insert' + 'F7' to provide a list of all links

Skip to links

A Skip to: navigation link is provided for keyboard users so they may skip directly to the main content area of the website. The Skip to link is accessed by Tabbing once a page has loaded. You can use Shift + Tab to reverse through to the Skip to link.

Contact Us

If you have any issues accessing information or require further assistance please contact us.