STEP - Literacy, Basic St George & Sutherland Community College

STEP - Literacy, Basic

Improve Literacy knowledge.

Educational Outcomes:

Students will learn and practice a range of strategies to improve their Literacy knowledge.Are you a person who loves language and words, and you are looking for a class to expand your vocabulary and literacy skills? Our STEP Literacy class is a great opportunity to learn and grow in this area.

The group plays word games, explores a new language, and practices new learnings to encourage literacy development. Individually tailored activities ensure that the learning is pitched at the right level for you, and will encourage your skills and development, no matter what level you start at! STEP into Literacy to develop your knowledge of language and words and to build on your skills.

What to bring:

Please bring a pen and some paper.

The STEP program is for persons with an intellectual disability. This course runs for 2 hours per week and is run from our Jannali site.

$600 Limited GST free
STEP - Literacy, Basic

<p>Improve Literacy knowledge.</p></p><h4 id="EducationalOutcomes">Educational Outcomes:</h4><p>Students will learn and practice a range of strategies to improve their Literacy knowledge.Are you a


If there isn't a class to suit you, please the waiting list.