Access & Equity Policy
Access & Equity Policy
Our Access and Equity Policy is implemented through mandatory procedures that are underpinned by national and state government requirements and more specifically, the principles contained in the NSW Anti-Discrimination Act 1977.
SGSCC aims to provide the community with life-long learning opportunities that are relevant, accessible and affordable. Accessibility extends across all areas at SGSCC and the measures and actions we take to manage accessibility ensure there are no barriers to education.
SGSCC provides adult education courses that are inclusive and demonstrate our commitment to equity, adherence to our quality principles and are centred around students and customer responsiveness.
Our programs are designed to maximise inclusion and we oppose all forms of unlawful or unfair discrimination on the grounds of age, disability, skin colour, race, nationality, ethnic origin, sex or sexual orientation, marital status, religious or political convictions.
All training and assessment materials, either purchased or developed by SGSCC, are to meet the needs of a diverse range of learners including:
- Existing industry or enterprise employees
- School leavers and/or new entrants to the workplace
- Apprentices or Trainees
- Individuals learning new skills and knowledge
- Individuals changing careers
- Unemployed people
- Clients who have a disability
- Clients who are members of target groups such as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders
- Recent migrants
- Individuals or groups needing to meet licensing or other regulatory requirements
Training and Assessment materials:
- Use plain English
- Avoid using words that could invoke stereotypes, are culturally inappropriate or, create other barriers
- Include culturally specific competencies where required to achieve a workplace outcome
- Ensure range statements are sufficiently flexible to take into consideration differing work
- Environments and individual needs
- Include non-discriminatory wording and requirements in evidence guides
- Provide advice on reasonable adjustments for people with disabilities.